Tuition & Assistance

Continuous Enrollment

Once a Royal. Always a Royal

List of 1 items.


On average, almost 95% of our student body returns to our school. Historically, our practice was to request that each student re-enroll and declare their intent to return. The program was successful and aided DCS in keeping an accurate count of students and families in the program. However, the burden was on the families to re-enroll. To simplify the admissions process and ensure seats for current students, Delmarva Christian has adopted Continuous Enrollment, a simple process that offers students the ability to remain enrolled without having to recommit each year. Students remain enrolled until graduation, or if requested, initiate the withdrawal process.

List of 8 items.

  • What is Continuous Enrollment?

    Up until 2020, recommitting to DCS was an ‘opt-in” program asking families to take the time to fill out the same paperwork year after year. With the vast majority of our families already planning a return.

    Rather than asking for an annual recommitment/re-enrollment, if you plan on returning to Delmarva Christian after signing your Continuous Enrollment Contract, you will never have to worry about filing this paperwork again.
  • What if I have no intent to withdraw my student?

    This is the very reason Delmarva Christian is moving away from the annual recommitment process and pivoting to Continuous Enrollment!
  • Is there a penalty if I break the CE Contract?

    Yes, if the contract is breached by withdrawing student(s) outside of the withdrawal deadline, families will be contractually obligated to pay a one (1) month (per student) tuition penalty. This will be  equivalent to the current full monthly tuition rate excluding any ATP assistance.
  • When do we sign CE?

    Families sign up for Continuous Enrollment once accepted to the school. Families will receive a contract from the Business Office. Once you have read the Agreement, parents and/or guardians need to only sign, date, and submit the contract electronically. That’s it–set it and forget it!
  • What if God has other plans for my family?

    The program allows for some flexibility based on the circumstances: Moving/relocating more than 30 miles from the campus being attended the upcoming school year. Educational needs for the student can no longer be met by Delmarva Christian Schools as determined by the DCS administration and faculty. Withdrawal at the request of Delmarva Christian Schools. Other circumstances approved by the Board of Delmarva Christian Schools.
  • How does this help the school?

    As a school, our hiring decisions, budget, and resources are determined by the number of enrolled students.  So, this helps the school AND the families through providing a streamlined and simplified process!
  • What am I agreeing to when I sign CE?

    • This means that my student(s) will remain enrolled in Delmarva Christian Schools every year unless I notify the school office of an enrollment change and submit official withdrawal papers.
    • I understand that during the Continuous Enrollment renewal period I have until March 31st every year to notify the school office of any changes in my enrollment plans for my student(s). 
    • If I breach this contract by withdrawing my student(s) after the  deadline, I understand that I will be contractually obligated to pay a one (1) month (per student) tuition penalty. This will be  equivalent to the current full monthly tuition rate excluding any ATP assistance.
  • Continuous Enrollment Withdrawal Form

    For those of you who will not be returning to DCS for the upcoming school year,  you have until March 31 or your current school year to submit the following withdrawal form.

    Withdrawal Form

If you are interested in our…

List of 3 items.

  • Early Learning Center

    (2-years to 3-years old), contact ELC Director Sarah McGuinness at 302-684-2886 or Email
  • Delmarva Christian Milton Campus

    (PreK through 8th-grade), contact Kelly Enman at 302-684-4983 or Email
  • Delmarva Christian High School

    (9th- through 12th-grade), contact DCHS Enrollment & Events Coordinator Wendy Kwiatkowski at 302-856-4040 or Email
If you’d prefer we contact you, simply click the button below and we’ll happily answer all your questions.