High School

Senior Thesis

Senior Thesis Project

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  • What Is STP?

    Working within the framework of the stated mission of Delmarva Christian High School – “to academically, physically, and spiritually prepare students to know and do God’s will for their lives” – the Senior Thesis is the culminating experience of the student’s time at DCHS.

The Multiple Aims of the Senior Thesis:

List of 4 items.

  • An Opportunity to Exhibit Mastery on Chosen Topic

    This course will provide an opportunity for students to publicly exhibit their mastery of the academic, technical, and spiritual curriculum and defend a position on a selected topic.
  • Reflections on Spiritual Truths

    It will also allow the student to reflect on the spiritual truths that have been made evident through the guidance and instruction of their parents, the school staff, and the community of believers.
  • A Forum to Share Christian Worldviews

    It will provide a forum for the student to articulate, both in oral and written form, the Christian worldview that has been nurtured and developed within.
  • Conclusion

    Finally, it will allow students to declare their plan and intentions to pursue God’s calling for their life.
After completing a rigorously challenging 8-weeks during which each senior crafts his or her thesis-driven paper (average: 25 pages), students move on to the final phase of STP — a Keynote Presentation with Product (the product is intended to add a tangible element to their effort).

The Keynote Presentation runs approximately 20 minutes and includes a 5-minute, in-depth question-and-answer segment with an audience. The Product is also shown and explained to the attending members of the audience at this time. Below the calendar is a list of several product websites and pages created by the students.

Many seniors invite family and friends to view their presentations, and often DCS School Board members, staff, and entire classrooms of students fill the seats to view this very special, culminating moment in the lives of our seniors.

List of 2 items.


Student Name Day & Time STP Title
Addy Benjamin May 7, 8:50-9:20 Mental Health and the American School System: The Importance of Properly Addressing Mental Health Within American High Schools
Allie Munro May 13,
Books for their Benefit: Why Reading is an Essential Habit for Children
Angely Gomez May 13, 12:50 Homeless But Not Helpless: Increasing Support for the
Homeless in America
Aria Gill May 9
Beyond Skin Deep: The Push for Cosmetic Surgery and How it Negatively Affects Society
Ashtin Reese May 6, 12:50 Making the Trade Industries Great Again: Fulfilling the
Need for More Young Tradesmen
Audra Pilkington May 8,
The Mistreatment of Female Patients in the Medical Industry: Causes and Effects
Brenda Silva May 14, 9:20-9:50 How Plating Defines Success: The Use of Abstract Plating in the Culinary Industry
Claire Eden May 6, 10:40-11:10 Marijuana and Anxiety: How Recreational Marijuana Endangers Mental Health
Daniel Genga May 6, 12:15 PM The Broken System: Why the Government Should
Implement Blind Trusts for Lawmakers in Order to Prevent Insider Trading
David Green May 6,
Feed The Machine: The Consequences of Relying on Industrialization
Edward Higgins May 13, 8:20-8:50 Technology’s Defect: Technology’s Negative Influence on the Human Mind
Elizabeth Fannin May 7,
9:20 - 9:50
Effects of Offshore Industrial Evolution: The World's Actions Causes Harmful Results to the Sea
Garrett Rogers May 15, 9:35-10:05 Young Lifters: Why Lifting at a Young Age will Not Stunt Growth
Herman Mukhin May 7, 12:15 Roadblocks to the American Dream: The Modern Difficulties of Achieving the American Dream
Jesslyn Duman May 9,
The Absent Father Epidemic: A Detriment to the Children of America
Josephine Peranteau May 8, 12:40 Behind the Scrubs: How Mental Illnesses are
Taking a Toll on Nurses’ Health
Josie Mazzetti May 14, 8:50-9:20 Generation Z: The Rise in Victimhood Culture
Journey Handy May 8, 1:15 Finding the Balance of Rest and Intensity in Athletics: Reducing Overtraining
Syndrome in Athletes
Kaleb Cronic May 9, 1:15 Supporting the Rise of Megachurches: Why
Megachurches Should Not be
Karoline Carey May 8,
Benefits of Prioritizing Self: Positive Outcome of Self-Care
Kassie Zarebicki May 8, 9:35-10:05 Animal Welfare : The Harmful Effects of Animal Captivity
Katie Thompson May 6,
8:20- 8:50
Artificial Practitioning: How Reliance on Artificial Intelligence Can Doom Healthcare
Lance McQuay May 14,
Countering Moral Relativism: How Moral Relativism is Unethical & Dangerous to Society
Lily Hutt May 6,
Behind the Ball Cap: The Dangers of Sports Betting
Lydia Woods May 6,
Little Helping Hands: Why Sign Language Should Be Taught in Elementary Schools
Maggie Kwiatkowski May 10, 12:15 Time For a Break:Why Consistent Physical Activity
and Outdoor Time Should be Mandated for Secondary School Students
Mason Bohinski May 10, 12:50 The Truth Behind Electric Vehicles: Why EVs are Not
the Way of the Future
Mia Elliott May 13, 12:15 The Deception of Genetically Modified Organisms: Why
GMOs Should be Avoided
Rachel Hall May 7, 8:20-8:50 Digital Dating Destroys: The Negative Effects of Technology Overuse on Relationships
Rosa MartinChavez May 13,
Stricter Border Control: Illegal Immigrants Educational and Financial Impact
Ryley McCluskey May 15,
Stay at Home Moms vs. Working Women: How the Modern Feminist Movement Deceives Women and Causes Them Harm
Sean Dawson May 14, 12:50 From Service to Support: The Problems Veterans Face Due to the Insufficiency of Support from the VA and Department of Defense
Sean French May 8,
Innovative Breakthrough or Impending Threat?: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Society
Tobi Robinson May 14, 12:15 A Digital Mural: Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Creativity and Originality in the World of Art
Travis Lattanzi May 7, 12:50 Male Loneliness and Depression: The Decline of
Men's Mental Health in Modern Society
Trinity Paoli May 15, 12:40 Beyond the Screen: The Stereotypes and Struggles of Women in Film
Vanessa Pierre-Louis May 9, 12:40 Fostered Minds: Raising Awareness of Mental Health Struggles in the Foster Care System
Xavier Efford May 7,
Benching The Big Bucks: Exploring Overpaid Athletes in The Sports Industry
Zachary Faubert May 7,
Insight into Film: Corruption in the Film Industry