

Our Goals

List of 1 items.

  • Technology Use at DCS

  • Students will use technology as a tool to dig deeper into God’s Word to understand His perfect plan for their lives.
  • To maintain a focused learning environment, students are expected to refrain from using messaging, social media, and games during school hours, as their use can be distracting and hinder academic engagement. Misuse of technology could result in disciplinary action.
  • Parents and teachers will partner together to encourage appropriate technology use at school and at home.
  • Students will have access to content from a variety of resources in a variety of styles tailored to how they learn best.
  • Students will collaborate with teachers, professionals and peers, both at DCS and other schools, to enhance learning.
  • Teachers will encourage students to utilize the tools available to dig deeper into areas that interest them.
  • Teachers will model and reinforce responsible digital habits, ensuring technology is used with purpose.
  • Technology will be used to support collaboration, critical thinking, and engagement while maintaining academic integrity.
  • Teachers will utilize technology to collaborate with other teachers in their disciplines at other schools.
  • Teachers will organize content in RenWeb and Google Classroom so they and their students have quick access to important learning material.

List of 3 items.

  • Approved Devices

    iPads and Laptops must be able to work with online textbooks and class material and maintain the most recent updates possible. 

    Pleast note, having a myriad of different devices causes teachers to spend more time on synchronizing technology than teaching the actual material. So, it is best to confirm with student services and Director of Instruction before purchasing your device. 
  • Purchase of Apps And Books

    It will be the responsibility of the families to purchase required apps for their students. This will be a small one time expense for families. All apps purchased can be used for multiple students (and other family members) on multiple devices. 

    DCHS will provide students with online textbooks at no additional cost to the family.

    Students may be asked to download novels and other books available on the iBook store or the Amazon Kindle store. Many of the books required are available for free, however families will be responsible for the cost of any novel or book required for the course.
  • Recommended iPad Apps

    For Students and Staff
    • Absolute Board
    • YouVersion Bible
    • Dropbox
    • Evernote
    • Flashcardlet
    • GarageBand
    • Good Reader
    • Google Drive
    • Google Docs
    • Google Sheets
    • Google Slides
    • iMovie
    • Keynote
    • Numbers
    • Pages
    • Sketchbook Pro
    Apps for Specific Courses
    • The Elements – Chemistry
    • SparkVue HD – Physical Science/Chemistry
    • HMH Fuse: Algebra 1
    • HMH Fuse: Geometry
    • Graphing Calculator HD – Precalculus/Calculus

    ** Teachers have discretion to require additional apps for specific courses **

Policies & Procedures

In 2011,  Delmarva Christian launched an ambitious program becoming the first 1:1 iPad school in the state of Delaware. The school originally charged families $125/year in order to pay for the $500 device over four years. Since many DCHS families already had an iPad or Laptop, DCS transitioned to asking parents to provide the device themselves. Elementary and Middle School students have access to ChromeBooks in the grade unit or cluster.

Purchasing an iPad or Laptop will be a DCHS requirement unless the family already has an iPad or Laptop their child may use during school hours. We believe appropriately using this resource is essential for adapting to your child’s individual learning style and preparing them for college.